How to Make a Donation
The way to make a Capital Donation to our Foundation is simple. You can simply write a letter to the Foundation, along with your donation, stating that you wish the donation to be held for a minimum of ten years by the Foundation. If you are a member of the Royal and Select Masters, your Council Recorder has donation forms. A receipt will be promptly mailed to the address you have provided with your donation.
These types of donations can be made during your life or by bequest in a will. They can be Capital or non capital donations.
Other Donation Information and Planning Tips
Did you know that you can donate stocks, bonds, mutual funds and registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) and registered retirement income funds (RRIF) to a Charity or Foundation and receive a substantial tax savings? If this is of interest to you, please continue reading.
How to Donate Stock, Bonds or Mutual Funds
A Donation of any of the above is considered to be a disposition or sale by the donor for Canadian tax purposes. This means that a donation of property to the Foundation would result in either a capital gain or a capital loss to the donor. The taxable capital gain will be 25% (instead of the regular rate of 50%) of the realized gain. In addition to receiving the lower capital gains inclusion rate a donor receives a charitable donation receipt equal to the fair market value of the capital property donated. The donation receipt can be used to reduce the amount of tax that the donor has to pay. An example might be as follows: If you donate a stock with a fair market value of $ 1,000.00 that has a cost to you of $400.00 you would receive a net tax savings of $ 394.00.
(Assumes other donations of $200 made previously.)
These types of donations can be made during your life or by bequest in a will. They can be Capital or non capital donations.